Carers Information

The Practice is very aware that there are many people in the community acting as Carer's to family members or neighbours.  This  includes young people too whose parents or siblings rely on them for support.

The local Carer's Service in Oldham is there to offer help to all Carer's in the Oldham area.  They are based at the Link Centre on Union Street in Oldham and they are offer help and advice to Carer's and their families.

Please contact them on:

telephone on 0161 770 7777 option 4


e-mail at

The website is available here


Young Carers

There is also information for young carers on the Positive Steps Website.

Papyrus run the Hopeline support who have a phone line, text line and e-mail that young people can get information and support through.

Click here for the website

If you would like the Practice to contact the Carers Service on your behalf please let us know and we will be able to help you with this.

The Practice has also developed a Carer's Pack which holds lots of useful information.  Please ask at Reception if you would like a pack or if there is anything we can help you with please let us know.   

Carers UK

Here to make life better for carers

20 Great Dover Street
London SE1 4LQ

t: 020 7378 4999


w: www.carersuk